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How To Set A Minimum Order Amount In WooCommerce?

How To Set A Minimum Order Amount In WooCommerce

Setting a WooCommerce minimum order amount can be helpful when you want to avoid inexpensive orders.

Imagine you are selling products worth $10 to $1000. What if customers only purchase products below $30? It’s not worth packing these orders as it costs you more for the packaging and shipping process.

Instead, what if a customer orders for $200 or more, which can overcome your shipping costs and increase your profit margins?

This strategy, where you are encouraging your customers to order more by setting a specific cart total, is needed to increase order value and sales.

Many store owners fail to use this strategy because they don’t know how to set minimum order amounts in WooCommerce or because they set very high order prices that drive their customers to their competitors.

But here is a complete guide on minimum order amount in WooCommerce that helps you decide the right order value that your customers meet to complete their order.

We can also discuss different discount types to enhance this specific strategy using the best minimum order amount plugin. Let’s start.

What Is A WooCommerce Minimum Order Amount?

WooCommerce minimum order amount is a strategy in which customers’ carts should reach the minimum total order amount to complete their order. It encourages customers to spend more to increase order value and sales.

For example, you can run WooCommerce minimum order value campaigns like “Only $100 or above orders can be taken” or “Spend $199 & above to get a 10% discount.”

We will discuss all popular scenarios of setting the order value with and without discounts.

Set minimum order amount with discounts using the Discount Rules Pro plugin to increase sales and revenue.

How To Set Minimum Order Amount In WooCommerce?

Setting a minimum order amount in WooCommerce requires the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce -Pro”, the best minimum order amount plugin.

You need a plugin to set the cart total, as WooCommerce missed this feature by default. In this guide, we use this “Discount Rules” plugin to set the minimum order total, as it provides a lot of useful features.

Check this installation guide to install this plugin on your WordPress dashboard.

Let’s discuss some scenarios to set the WooCommerce minimum order amount in different ways.

Scenario 1: Offer a 10% discount for carts over $100

After installing the “Discount Rules” plugin, follow these steps to provide a 10% discount for the minimum order value of $100.

  • Go to “WooCommerce” -> “Discount Rules”. Add a new rule.
  • Enter the rule name.
  • Choose the discount type “Cart Adjustment”.
  • You can also filter specific products or categories that customers should add to their cart to get the discount. Here, I simply chose “All Products”.
  • In the Discount section, choose the discount type “Percentage Discount” with the value “10”.

Setting discounts for your campaign is optional. You can simply set specific order values and set the discount value to “0” to ensure customers reach the minimum total without discounts.

But providing discounts can be rewarding to customers to spend more.

Creating a percentage discount based on subtotal
  • In the “Rules” section, choose the condition type “Subtotal” and enter the subtotal amount “100”. Also set whether the subtotal should be greater than or equal to in “Subtotal should be.”
  • Save and enable the rule.
Setting minimum order amount for a percentage discount

When customers reach the minimum order value of $100, they can get a 10% discount on their total.

A discount is applied based on the minimum order value

Related Read
How to create percentage discounts in WooCommerce? (Different scenarios explained)

Scenario 2: Offer free shipping for orders above $299

Instead of discounting products, you can offer free shipping to orders above a certain amount. It is the most common way to make customers spend more to get a free delivery.

To set free shipping offer based on subtotal:

  • Choose the discount type “Free Shipping”.
  • In the “Rules” section, select the condition type “Subtotal” and enter the subtotal amount. Then, save the rule.

This plugin allows you to display minimum order messages to remind customers of the remaining amount they need to reach to get free shipping.

  • You can customize the “Promotion message” below the “Subtotal” condition type. This minimum order message can be displayed for all campaigns based on subtotal, not just for the “free shipping” campaign.
Setting promotion message to order total

When customers have less amount of products than the specified amount, the promotion message will be displayed.

Displaying promotion message based on subtotal

You can also use the default WooCommerce settings to set the minimum order amount for free shipping. To learn more about this, check out this complete WooCommerce free shipping guide.

Scenario 3: Offer a free product when customers buy for $300

To enhance customer experience, you can reward them with a free product when they order more in your store.

To offer a free product based on WooCommerce minimum order value:

  • Choose the discount type “Buy X Get Y”.
  • Filter “All Products”. You can also filter specific products or categories where customers should add these specific items to get a free product.
  • In the “Discount” section:
    • Set “Y discount type” to “Buy X Get Y—Products”, as we offer a specific free product.
    • Set the “Buy X count” to “Filters set above” to count all products, irrespective of categories.
    • Select the “Auto add” option to add the free product automatically to customers’ carts.
    • Set the “Minimum & Maximum” buy quantity.
    • Choose the discount type as “Free” and select the free product with quantity.
  • In the “Rules” section, choose the “Subtotal” condition and set the minimum order amount.
  • Save and enable the rule.
Creating BOGO deal based on subtotal

When customer carts reach $300 or above, a free product will be added to their cart.

Adding a free product to customers' carts

You can use different Buy X Get Y WooCommerce scenarios to run unique discount campaigns. Also, you can try the “Buy X Get X” discount type if you want to offer the same “Buy” product for free.

Scenario 4: Offer a $15 fixed discount based on order quantities

If you want to add a little twist to your minimum order amount campaign, you can set a minimum order quantity instead of price.

Customers have to add more products to reach the specified quantity to complete a sale.

To set a WooCommerce minimum order quantity:

  • Choose the discount type “Cart Adjustment”.
  • Filter products and choose the discount type “Fixed discount” with the value “15”.
  • In the “Rules” section, choose the “Item Quantity” condition with quantity value and count. You can also customize and display the “promotion message”.
  • Save the rule.
Creating discount based on cart item quantity

Instead of setting the order minimum/ maximum amount for WooCommerce, you can set it based on product quantities, which might help price-conscious customers buy more.

Applying discounts based on product quantities

With this plugin, you can also use “coupon codes” to apply discounts when customers reach the minimum order amount. This guide explains how to create coupons based on the order total in WooCommerce.

How To Decide The Right Minimum Order Price?

Deciding the minimum order price is crucial to avoid revenue losses. Here are some tips to decide the right minimum order price for your WooCommerce store:

(1) Calculate Cost Factors

When setting the WooCommerce minimum order amount, you must calculate the product cost, packaging, and shipping costs to identify the right price to increase your profit margin.

(2) Ask Customers’ Opinion

Since customers’ needs should be your first priority, you can analyze purchase histories, high transactions, VIP customers’ purchases, and other transactions to decide the best order value.

If you run this strategy, you can also ask your loyal customers how much they can spend. Including customers’ opinions can be a great way to choose the right minimum order amount without losing customers.

(3) Check Inventory

Before deciding the minimum order value for your WooCommerce store, you can check the stock details to see which products are available to sell and set the order amount based on their costs.

(4) Do Competitor Analysis

It is crucial to check competitors, specifically in your niche, to see how they price their products. This data will help you remain competitive while increasing your revenue.

(5) Apply Psychological Pricing

Psychological pricing may easily trigger customers to spend more on your store. For example, set the minimum order value as $99 instead of $100. A small difference can grow your sales.

Set minimum order value to enable free shipping offer using the Discount Rules Pro plugin and increase sales in specific regions.

Why Set Specific Cart Total For WooCommerce Stores?

By specifying the cart total, store owners are benefitting in more ways:

  • WooCommerce minimum order amount tactic encourages customers to add more products to their cart to reach a specific threshold, which results in an increased order value than customers actually intended to buy.
  • Is it profitable to pack a $10 product and ship it internationally? By setting a minimum order price in WooCommerce, you can restrict customers from ordering low-cost orders that include high shipping and package costs.
  • With the WooCommerce minimum order value strategy, you encourage customers to add more products, which means they get to explore other products in your store that they may not have seen before. This strategy increases sales of new and low-selling products.

Strategies To Increase Order Value Based On Cart Total

With WooCommerce minimum order amount strategy, you can easily increase your order value, yet here are a few more tips to make the strategy even more effective:

  • Create Product Bundles: You can bundle two or more products at a discounted price instead of buying them individually at their original price. This helps customers add more products to reach the minimum order amount.
  • Show Upsell (Or) Cross-sell Offers: You can show related products as upsell or cross-sell offers. This helps customers find additional products that complement their main product to reach their minimum order value.

Related Read
If you hear upsell (or) cross-sell terms for the first time, you can learn more about it here: How to upsell products in WooCommerce?

  • Apply Discounts: When setting the minimum order price in WooCommerce, you can apply different discount types. Discounts attract customers and reward them for spending more on your store. They will enhance their shopping experience and loyalty to your store.
  • Offer Free Shipping: As discussed in the above scenarios, you can also offer a free delivery deal instead of discounting products. This will work better if your focus is on increasing sales in specific regions.
  • Set Minimum Order Quantity: Instead of setting a minimum or maximum order amount for WooCommerce, set specific quantities that customers can reach to complete the sale.

Best Examples For Offering Discounts Based On Order Value

The minimum order amount is a proven strategy to increase order value as many popular online brands are using this tactic in their store to grow their sales.

1. Nike – Free Delivery Offer

 Nike offers free delivery for orders

Nike, the famous athletic footwear corporation, offers free shipping for orders of $75 and above. This minimum order amount deal helps Nike increase their customers’ order value by making them spend more to get a free delivery.

2. Myntra – Discounts Based On Order Total

Myntra offers discounts based on order total

Myntra, the popular Indian fashion eCommerce company, offers discounts on their products for orders of INR1899 and above.

Also, they offer this minimum order value deal only for first-time customers using a coupon code.

This strategy helps Mnytra easily attract first-time shoppers and convert them into regular customers without losing profit margins.

Related Read:
How to create first-order discounts in WooCommerce?


WooCommerce minimum order amount is a must-try strategy if you are looking to increase order value and sales without sacrificing your profit margins.

The minimum order amount or quantity in WooCommerce urges customers to purchase more and also allows them to explore more products in your store to reach the specific order value.

This guide explained all the steps on how to add a minimum order amount in WooCommerce. You can try out these scenarios or create your own discount deals to attract more customers.

With the best minimum order amount plugin like “Discount Rules for WooCommerce -Pro,” you can easily manage the process and increase your revenue.

Set minimum order amount and provide discounts only to first-order customers to increase order value and customer base.

What To Read Next?

How do I set order limits in WooCommerce?

You can set order limits in your WooCommerce campaigns with the help of the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce -Pro” plugin. To do so:
1. Add a new rule and choose the discount type.
2. Filter products for the campaign.
3. Choose the discount type and value.
4. Optionally set conditions for the discounts.
5. In the “Rules” section, choose the condition and set the minimum order amount or quantity.
6. Go to the “Rule Limits” section. You can set the maximum “Usage Limits” of that specific discount campaign.

How do you set the minimum order amount per shipping zone?

You can set the minimum order amount and offer free shipping only to specific shipping zones instead of all orders.
You can simply use WooCommerce default shipping settings to select the specific shipping zone and set the minimum order amount. To do so:
1. Go to the “Settings” page of the “WooCommerce”
2. Open the “Shipping” page.
3. Add a new zone, select specific regions, and select the shipping method as “Free shipping”.
4. Add the free shipping requirement as the minimum order amount and set the amount. Save changes.
If this process is overwhelming, you can simply use a plugin like “Discount Rules for WooCommerce -Pro” to simplify the process in just two steps.

How to set minimum order prices using coupons in WooCommerce?

You can add minimum order price in WooCommerce using coupons in two ways:
A. Use the default coupon option:
1. Go to “Marketing” -> “Coupons.”
2. Add a new coupon. Create a coupon code and choose the discount type.
3. In the “Usage restriction” section, set the minimum order amount.
4. Save changes.
B. Use the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce -Pro” plugin:
1. Go to “WooCommerce” -> “Discount Rules.”
2. Add a new rule.
3. Choose the discount type, filter products, and set the discount value.
4. In the “Rules” section, create two conditions, “Coupon” and “Subtotal,” to create a coupon code and set the minimum order amount.
5. Save changes.
The process is simple in both ways; however, a plugin can provide options to create smart and advanced coupons, such as coupon URLs, and allow users to set other purchase conditions, such as first-order and more.

Picture of Nanthini Sri

Nanthini Sri

I'm Nanthini, an experienced marketer turned content writer. Specializing in B2B and ecommerce, I have a knack for simplifying intricate concepts, making industry insights easily accessible to all readers. When not crafting content, catch me immersed in books or binge-watching dramas!
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